Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Colleen's plans in 2014

Perhaps you have heard Coach Colleen is taking a break for "one on one" PT sessions in 2014, all her clients have been notified over the past few weeks.  Colleen intends to continue PT-ing in 2014 by simply changing over to group training situations.

In the past Colleen has done numerous group sessions/ challenges ( nutrition, weight loss challenge, running 101) so by dropping "one on one" PT for awhile, this will  allow  her to peruse these past endeavours, which she feels did enhance club members fitness experiences.

During the new year, Colleen will advertise through the club's usual channels when she has program's on offer.

Club's Tuesday blocks will continue in the new year as per usual. The topics for February and March's blocks may change due to registered interest from club members with club coaches - changes will appear on the notice board with plenty of notice. All money from Tuesday blocks goes into club funds, our coaches are acting in their volunteer roles on these mornings.